Holiday Break
I thought that today I would share my list of things to do over break with you. While parts of break can be relaxing and it's always nice to step away from school and work, there are usually a million things to do during this time of year. So, here is my list:
* Finish college applications (I am a high school senior this year!)
* Keep up with 25 Days of Sophie (this one may seem obvious)
* Spend time with family (especially my sister who will be leaving after break to go back to her school)
* Read my AP English Literature book
* Finish a painting
* Create a new painting
* Have a snow day outside (it still has yet to snow here)
* Keep up with all the presents I need to buy/make
* Spend time with old friends
* Make more Christmas decorations
* Attempt to bake cookies
* Send my Christmas cards
* Make a schedule of all these things I need to do
Anyhow, that is my very extensive list of things to do. Feel free to share all the things you have scheduled this year in the comments below. Have a lovely day!
(The picture above is of the lake in my back yard from last year)